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Finally, a place to capture our thoughts and to share the adventure!

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

Jimmy and I set a plan in place several years ago to begin full time cruising and now we are a year out. I really wish we started to capture some of the preparation from the past couple of years, but am glad to finally get around to doing this now. We just might attempt to recall some of the more interesting highlights from the planning phase. But for now, I'll start with this weekend.

October and November have had us reflecting back to where we were a year ago, back when we owned a house and just splashed Utopia for the first time. Then we look forward, and imagine just where we will be as we finally slip the lines in October 2023. I am also trying to not spend too much time dreaming of what will finally come, but to absorb and savor our last year here in North Florida.

This weekend offered chilly but beautiful weather. With Friday being Veterans' Day, we had the day off of work and set off for the boat. New piles are being places at the dock, so it was fun to watch the drillers at work. Those guys were so kind and more than willing to explain what the process. Jimmy and I worked on some chores around the boat throughout the weekend. One "chore" was getting the new dinghy motor up and running, then spending an hour on the water breaking it in. In the afternoon we took the new dinghy to the basin to watch the dinghy sailing races. Two sailors took up my offer to sub in for them if they needed a break. It was so nice to get into a boat and go around the buoys! Afterwards a bunch of people gathered under the clubhouse, eating oysters provided by Will. There happened to be a bounce house set up for a birthday party scheduled for Sunday and I had fun jumping in it and going down the slide with Emmet and his mom. It was a wonderful day soaking up time with friends.

Another thing I am soaking up is simply the Shell Point community. Riding the dinghy up and down the canals, saying hello to friends is something we may not see for a long time. Ha, I meant to write more about this, but I have rambled enough for today. Oh- no photos to share since my phone was swamped during dinghy motor testing... New phone on the way.

Thanks to Cordy for the sailboat image.

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Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee
Nov 17, 2022

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