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23-37 Four Weeks to Go


There are four weeks left in our apartment lease. The apartment is becoming sparse as today Jimmy has disassembled the television and stereo equipment to deliver to his son. The couch set, console, bookshelves, and end tables have already been removed. Stuff going to Alabama is grouped on one wall, while piled in a corner are some things we are ready to get rid of. We still need to re-home our coffee table and miscellaneous furniture. Most of these will be donated to Habitat during our last weekend here, as long as we can fit them into the Jeep.

The difficult objective ahead of us is to decide what clothing we will take with us. There is not a whole lot of room for clothing storage on the boat, and in reality, you do not need a lot of clothing choices while cruising. It just needs to be balanced with laundry opportunities. I just hope Jimmy was messing with me when he said he is taking 10 cotton t-shirts on board.

At the moment, we have four plastic tubs that we are filling up with things not going on the boat that we cannot quite part with. One will head to Jimmy’s father’s house and my sister is willing to take some boxes, but I feel bad adding our stuff to her not-a-giant house. One of my colleagues from work has also offered for us to leave some boxes with them. I might leave the long-term mementos with the colleague, while things I might need while cruising, like extra clothes, would stay with my sister. As you might realize, we are still figuring all of this out.

On top of this, both of us have been suffering from the flu this weekend. Jimmy got it first and slept most of it off on Thursday. On Friday, he thought he might be feeling better, so we moved forward with our plans to go down to Utopia. Since he was still sick, and the boat did not have working air conditioning, we stayed at a hotel in the St. Petersburg area Friday night. This was a good move, for his fever came back to visit him Friday night.

Saturday morning, we headed over to Utopia to unload a bunch of stuff from the Jeep. Our head sail had been riding in the Jeep since Hurricane Idalia, and we recently purchased a life raft, which has been cruising around Tallahassee with the sail and an air conditioner pump. Also loaded in the Jeep were a few bags of things that are moving to the boat. This is something we have been doing with each trip to St. Pete: we leave our apartment with more bags than we return with.

Anyway, Jimmy was still not feeling too good, and not so sure he had the energy for the brain capacity required to fix the air conditioner. In addition, I was becoming concerned that I might be getting sick too, so we decided to head back to Tallahassee on Saturday, not fixing the air conditioner on this trip.

This was also a good move, as during the night it became apparent that I had caught whatever it was that Jimmy had and woke up this morning with a 100-degree temperature. I think that I am not as sick as Jimmy was and think that I can write this blog post in a manner that is understandable. It is our goal to post something each Sunday. Maybe weekly is too much for some readers, but it is easy for us to manage a weekly blog post; at least that is what we plan to attempt between now and returning from the Appalachian Trail.

Hopefully we will spend the remainder of the day resting. Well, that is after Jimmy sets up the projector that he purchased for the boat. Instead of moving it to the boat now, we will keep it at the apartment for the next four weeks to serve as our television. Once it is up, and I feel like getting out of bed, we will watch something projected onto the wall, while sitting on our outdoor furniture chairs that we purchased second hand from ABYC years ago.

Dismantling the living room while suffering from the flu




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